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8th May 2024 13:08:39 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 13:18:44 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:13:48 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:42:54 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:50:03 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 16:43:09 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:02:02 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:26:25 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:39:06 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:45:22 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 23:04:11 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 12:48:16 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 13:02:13 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 13:45:32 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 14:56:09 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 15:26:59 CM Mercury View post »
20th May 2024 03:33:28 Administration View post »
27th May 2024 05:57:55 Administration View post »
31st May 2024 22:17:27 Administration View post »
2nd June 2024 18:03:10 Administration View post »
3rd June 2024 16:09:19 CM Mercury View post »
Disturbed Maverick

Level 209
3rd June 2024 16:39:46 (Last edited 3rd June 2024 16:54:06)

Quoting CM Mercury:
Quoting Akolix:
Any plans to change the marksman buff?


Since Rogues have a better distance boost with the buff together with the damage reduction what would be a suitable option for a Marksman buff? Also boosting damage reduction or something else? Boosting health or healing for example?


Marksmen have better distance boost. On test server a marksman lvl 500 skill 150 gets +15 distance skill while a rogue lvl 500 skill 150 gets +9 distance skill.

But i believe some changes can be done for rangers buffs:

- Marksman: Maintain distance boost in addition to + 15 % critical hit chance.

- Rogue: Is there something confirmed that damage resistance or reduction really is 4% or 5% of damage negation? Maybe rogue buff could be changed to 5% of damage reduction in addition to 10% multi strike chance, removing distance boost skill which is already less than marksman.

Level 100
3rd June 2024 17:12:55

At high levels, rangers benefit from the same amount of HP as warriors do. Some people have suggested reducing the HP gain from 15 to 10 and increasing MP gain from 5 to 7 to compensate for this. That's the way to go.

Level 576
3rd June 2024 17:37:06

Quoting Hexecutioner:
At high levels, rangers benefit from the same amount of HP as warriors do. Some people have suggested reducing the HP gain from 15 to 10 and increasing MP gain from 5 to 7 to compensate for this. That's the way to go.

what exactly is that extra mana going to compensate? Level 400s already run with 2k mana where the most expensive spell is 280 mana (spell that u use frequently in gameplay)

Only change rogues need is a rework on ruthless execution, currently its the spell only works when people are below 30% hp, it should be changed to; The execution should be % of max hp rather than rarely be able to use that spell. The window for that spell to work is less than a second.

The only thing fixed about the cursor feature is that you can move while trying to aim the spell. It almost feels like it doesnt register clicks properly when running, you have to spam click the area where you want to place it or dont move at all.

I'd like to suggest the following since aiming spells is a new feature that would make the gameplay alot more fun. Currently some spells are part of a class their pvp combo's. (meteor shower and hailstorm)

For pyromancer; I'd suggest to bring back the old meteor shower spell (to not fuck their pvp abilities) and have the current meteor shower work as an aim AoE spell for PvM as it doest greater dmg and obviously have to aim it.

For shaman; i'd suggest to rework advanced soulfire, shamanic soulfire f.e (ofcourse with a smaller hitbox and not the current advanced soulfire). where that spell becomes a ranged on target spell to keep their pvp abilities.
Neo Keixqole

Level 400
3rd June 2024 19:07:50

Well after testing with my rogue, the aimed cursor hellish volley is very very good, it changes the gameplay, and it’s very fun to play that way, in my opinion rogue are pretty good by now, and I don’t think the class needs any change.
Ragnarok Black

Level 99
4th June 2024 00:36:11

Quoting CM Mercury:
Quoting Akolix:
Any plans to change the marksman buff?


Since Rogues have a better distance boost with the buff together with the damage reduction what would be a suitable option for a Marksman buff? Also boosting damage reduction or something else? Boosting health or healing for example?
Quoting Askja:
I just had a very quick look again.

Two things that I find a bit weird about cursor spells :
- if you choose old aim but you don't aim any mob or loose focus, cursor aiming is yet offered in contradiction with your choice. It can be useful but it's hard to understand at first glance (during a while I thought option wasn't working).
- with cursor aim, if for some reason you don't trigger your armed spell and activate hotkey once again, you loose your ready spell and have to prepare it again (as if hotkey was just a change of state between armed/unarmed, but normally it should always arm the spell).

The cursor aim is more of a proof of concept at this time. It has minor and major flaws that will be fixed.
Together with the bug fixes, the regular hotkey without aiming set would work as previously giving the poof animation if you have no target. Also the option to cancel the aim with a mouse click is something that should be introduced.

Huge thanks to everyone testing!


My proposal would be to eliminate the increase in distance to the rogue and increase the attack denial a little more and put a 15% increase in attack speed
and it would also be great if the rogue's anti locate increased his movement speed until the Anti locate runs out

Level 320
4th June 2024 01:34:26

Quoting CM Mercury:


Since Rogues have a better distance boost with the buff together with the damage reduction what would be a suitable option for a Marksman buff? Also boosting damage reduction or something else? Boosting health or healing for example?


Change the buff to grant 5% damage negation and 20% attack speed.


Change the buff to increase distance skill by 10% and provide a 15% critical chance.

Level 489
4th June 2024 05:59:38 (Last edited 4th June 2024 06:00:55)


-Cleave my dmg in front and sides 1280-1310 thats ok nice for paladins,

-behind me 320 its still not enough to make free paladins from standing against the wall.

-My proposal is to increase behind wave to 75% of the rest waves.

ps teleport scrolls not working

Level 28
4th June 2024 12:21:23

Quoting Mamrot:

-Cleave my dmg in front and sides 1280-1310 thats ok nice for paladins,

-behind me 320 its still not enough to make free paladins from standing against the wall.

-My proposal is to increase behind wave to 75% of the rest waves.

ps teleport scrolls not working

teleport scrolls aren't working cause the test server is PvP.

Level 936
4th June 2024 13:23:19

Quoting Mamrot:

-Cleave my dmg in front and sides 1280-1310 thats ok nice for paladins,

-behind me 320 its still not enough to make free paladins from standing against the wall.

-My proposal is to increase behind wave to 75% of the rest waves.

ps teleport scrolls not working

75%??? :smartass: it's balancing, not overpowering ;)

Level 489
4th June 2024 16:25:51 (Last edited 4th June 2024 16:27:42)

Quoting Briareu:
Quoting Mamrot:

-Cleave my dmg in front and sides 1280-1310 thats ok nice for paladins,

-behind me 320 its still not enough to make free paladins from standing against the wall.

-My proposal is to increase behind wave to 75% of the rest waves.

ps teleport scrolls not working

75%??? :smartass: it's balancing, not overpowering ;)

told crying barbarian to not let paladin be a bit stronger :)
check top 50 lvl for example elysium, 7 pala , 25 barbas, do u want to stop existing like dinosaurs? :D
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