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Level 118
14 days 7 hours ago

Hahahahahaha i think its sometining different fighting solo vs 10 on a mid lvl mage and top lvl pala but yeah that's true i like pvp so im not doing everything just to win. Imagine we Play like you Play then IT would be 0 battles at all. There is no RPG content on this game so enjoy exping forever on empty servers.
King Healer

Level 1101
14 days 5 hours ago (Last edited 14 days 5 hours ago)

Quoting Gudalik:
Hahahahahaha i think its sometining different fighting solo vs 10 on a mid lvl mage and top lvl pala but yeah that's true i like pvp so im not doing everything just to win. Imagine we Play like you Play then IT would be 0 battles at all. There is no RPG content on this game so enjoy exping forever on empty servers.

We went to pharos at this level, lower than yours and this was the result.
Caste was 650+
You were 550+
In addition to your entire team.

This is the last message in this post about you.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

King Healer

Level 1101
14 days 5 hours ago (Last edited 14 days 5 hours ago)

wrong post

Level 118
14 days 4 hours ago

Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Gudalik:
Hahahahahaha i think its sometining different fighting solo vs 10 on a mid lvl mage and top lvl pala but yeah that's true i like pvp so im not doing everything just to win. Imagine we Play like you Play then IT would be 0 battles at all. There is no RPG content on this game so enjoy exping forever on empty servers.

We went to pharos at this level, lower than yours and this was the result.
Caste was 650+
You were 550+
In addition to your entire team.

This is the last message in this post about you.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot


Like or dont like im the best fighter on zezenia online

Level 215
14 days 3 hours ago

Biggest clown you mean xD

Level 118
14 days 3 hours ago

Proving u still got screens like this i'm pretty sure that u still jerking off to IT xddd

Level 517
14 days 1 hour ago

I generally never understood @King Healer and your team. You guys actively abused bugs, actively botted 24/7. We have videos, screenshots, you guys would have a watch character on every single boat/pz spot available and you would still lose.

I've never, in my entire time playing ANY game, whether its Tibia/Medivia/Counter-Strike...seen a group of people who commit their life to a game and are still soo terrible. You guys treated this game like a job and still lost. The staff at the time would never update, would never do anything so the majority of people left/sold their characters.

I promise you if there is ever a seasonal that would have the same transfer ratio as TITAN did, it's over. You guys would have to bring back Kazumaki to be relevant.

The crazy part is that TITAN was mixed-pvp and still allowed you to bring over a 550 pyro to Pharos.

The point of these seasonal is to try something new, bring excitement to the game. K-Zordon is like our Satoshi. His view for Zezenia was to bring fast-paced balanced PvP to a game, instead we allow for Mixed-PvP where people can disrupt others with no consequences.

With that being said, idle #Zezenia on quakeNet/

Level 576
13 days 14 hours ago

Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Godzilla:
Quoting Gudalik:
Quoting Dark Berserker:
Good evening, everyone.

I also feel that, like in many Tibia Seasonal servers, it only makes sense if everything is PvP or if 90% of it is PvP. Most people in Elysium play until level 300 for the rewards, but for many players, it's an opportunity to fight, have wars, and experience the old sensations.

Funny u guys wake up now. Next time spam before server is open

They rather have a nonpvp server, hence why they play pharos. They only feel like pvp when they know they have a shot at winning. I bet all they do is crawl in nonpvp zones and ruin someone's exp rather than pvp haha.

I find your bipolarity and hypocrisy funny. When I stopped playing, the server was fully dominated, and when I came back, you were crying the same way to me, saying Pharos was dead and Cream wouldn’t let you play.

Me and my team, just five people in Pharos, caused so much trouble and fought so hard that we managed to push them out and create a new Pharos for people to play. And guess what? You went to play with Cream and didn’t help in ANY of the wars in Pharos. What's easier, fighting or crying on the forum? You answer that with your actions.

When Pharos gets tough, you don’t face it head-on; you run to the forum or to Elysium. We know exactly what and how many items you bought in Elysium. Why is it that on your phone you want to pay to avoid being hunted, but on the forum, you act tough in PvP, little thief?

Yeah, the problem isn’t with your team, it’s mainly because of you. You’re just an ignorant kid trying to show everyone how big of a man you are. Nobody really likes you, I’m just someone who said the obvious and don’t suck cock to play a game.

You’re acting like a true keyboard warrior on here but we all know why Pharos is as it is. You guys are/were just a bunch of kids who had nothing to do all day but bot accounts 24/7, even in team, every character had a different script to not pass the tank. On top of that, one br guy who actually has a decent living compared to 99% of the rest of you guys, bought the majority of characters from cream his team. Who’s the real winner here lol?:smartass:

And yes, ofcourse i know you guys :know everything I buy/sell and do, I live rent free inside you guys your heads. The reason why I was texting is because I like to make fun of your goofy ass. Even staff is tired of your bullshit 10 paragraphs posts. “Hello good evening everyone, (a msg to suck off staff with compliments)”. Hence why you never get any decent replies, you toxic, botting, PayPal crowdfunded ass, acting though on a character you didn’t level once.

Level 593
13 days 12 hours ago (Last edited 13 days 12 hours ago)

I respect all people and players of this game, regardless their nationality, team or brain capacity. #NoHardFeelings

I dont hold grudges nor favor anyone over anybody. Ofcouse I like and dislike certain people but whats the point of constant drama on the forums?

In my most honest opinion Pharos got won when they "allowed" character sales. Because that is what happend. Key characters from oposite teams got bought and then had the advantage.

That in combination of staffs inactivity so people could bot freely until there is no "point" in even contesting anything.

Edit; Just waiting on the char Bazaar so people can buy my precious OG character aswell. "Pigron".

Level 273
13 days 10 hours ago (Last edited 13 days 10 hours ago)

It's crazy that people are arguing over who is the best on a indie 40 player MAX game, chill out we are all degens playing a game where the owner doesn't even care about it.

As usual the seasonal has released and the owner has went on another 6 month hiatus.

Lets wait till 2030 for the next 2x PVP server with rotating hardcore PVP zones.

EDIT: Allowing and even adding a char bazaar has to be by far the worst decision made, how can they say transferring at level 500 or whatever is "unfair", "broken", "OP" but adding the ability to sell and buy characters isn't :D:D:D
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