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9th July 2024 13:30:28 CM Mercury View post »

Level 175
22nd June 2024 13:22:14 (Last edited 9th July 2024 13:31:20)

The game has been dead for years, it's hard to believe the situation in which the staff let the game arrive.

Updates without impact and lack of dedication to the project.


Level 29
4th July 2024 19:51:36 (Last edited 4th July 2024 19:56:32)

Updates actually had quite big impact in my opinion, in the bad way and makes the game worse and more simlar to new tibia tbh. I think that Zezenia was much better before, wihout trainer statues in the houses, without brewing stuff, without quality of the weapon, and enchanting ... I don't know how you guys think, but for me this game, and also tibia had something special before. It was some kind of adveture for me, i remember that i was hunting bosses all weeks to loot that one unique item, now you can pickup the task to hunt specific boss and take as reward an "item" :(.
Now Zezenia and Tibia are the same for me (just go and grind level for no reason).
Edit: funny thig is that i received a ban like 10 years ago because i was using 2 pcs to train skills on my 2 accounts.
Now you can afk in the house and train skills on the statue, rotfl.
CM Mercury
Community Manager

9th July 2024 13:30:28


What specifically would make you as a player happy? There have been multiple updates in the past few months. Just please let us know what you're looking for and we'll try our best to work with you.

Zero Damage

Level 200
9th July 2024 14:07:44 (Last edited 9th July 2024 14:08:06)

Quoting Barbado:
The game has been dead for years, it's hard to believe the situation in which the staff let the game arrive.

Updates without impact and lack of dedication to the project.


The game concept and base game is "good" but the staff let it down a lot, the game is a hobby and has minimal effort put in to it, with very sparse periods of development.

I also think this type of game is a dying breed.

Level 231
9th July 2024 14:23:02

Quoting CM Mercury:

What specifically would make you as a player happy? There have been multiple updates in the past few months. Just please let us know what you're looking for and we'll try our best to work with you.


Iron man mode.

Level 29
10th July 2024 20:09:44 (Last edited 11th July 2024 15:41:56)

What would make me happy ..
A server where pvp is an option for guilds only (guild wars) in open world. No tasks for skills/items (except money), no trainers, no weapon quality etc. Go back in time and remind yourself how it was before, im not talking about the number of players online, but why people were looking for a game like Zerzenia to play. There was totally no point in adding all of these "new fancy stuff", bestiary, enchanting .. i mean all of it. When tasks arrived players where happy, but most of us after some time were log into the game to take a task on skills, get items from market to finish the task and after months or even years in some cases play the game a little and quit. I was wondering, what dmg will make the guy i forgot his name which was top1 for years in meele, he had 150+ back then, and he made crazy dmg to monsters, now i see there are some maniacs which i know, like Mamrot for example, over 200 in meele. What could you do to stop ppl from getting stronger and stronger was cap the skills at some level, and make them grow much harder/slower, instead of all these new things, all you could add to the game could be new quests with some new mechanics, new places .. and thats it.
I'm not blaming you, you guys did what you thought was good and it was your hobby, i know.
I visit you once a year and checking whats new, but with every year it just getting worse in my eyes.
Thats my opinion, and your game. I liked this game so much, i even made logo for zezenium website in the past .. gr8 times.
See you soon! Greets! (Bemek). 8)

Level 89
10th July 2024 20:21:45 (Last edited 10th July 2024 20:22:48)

Quoting CM Mercury:

What specifically would make you as a player happy? There have been multiple updates in the past few months. Just please let us know what you're looking for and we'll try our best to work with you.


New zones,maps,quest,items,solo dungeons,portales,Hc zones,hc monsters for all the lvls 100-200-300-400-500 etc +

Level 102
10th July 2024 22:00:45 (Last edited 10th July 2024 22:06:24)

Quoting Ripperhe:

New zones,maps,quest,items,solo dungeons,portales,Hc zones,hc monsters for all the lvls 100-200-300-400-500 etc +

WoW, the greatest message of the ages.
Before this message devs completly didnt know what to do. But now, after this clear, brilliant, completly message, devs will EXACTLY know what to do.

New era of Zezenia has began!!
Like we have time before Christ born (B.C.) and time after with New era and current years. In Zezenia we have time before toxic kid message, and time after, its new era.
Lets go devs, now you got clear info what to do with many details!
Thank you toxic kid for this info!!!

Level 159
11th July 2024 00:33:21

Quoting CM Mercury:

What specifically would make you as a player happy? There have been multiple updates in the past few months. Just please let us know what you're looking for and we'll try our best to work with you.


I would love to play a NEW server 1 or maybe 2x permanent, full pvp. With frag system.
With no high skilled characters made in task train, that abuse the game bugs in all those years of zezenia.
Henricus The Loner

Level 211
11th July 2024 02:13:54

i would love to see more respwns for level 100-300 right now all players wanna hunt evil legionaires give us something else to do in low levels to take a good exp.
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