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Level 215
13th May 2024 20:38:38

Please Staff,
Continue working for better review of Zezenia and you guys won't regret, listen to the most sensible people concerned about the balance of the game.
Keep updating the game, more and more content, fixing old ones, even think on contract more team for yours.
Seems fair to me.
The moment is now, we'll know you guys have time and cap for all this.

Edy Brutto

Level 233
13th May 2024 21:43:27

Quoting Sanguine Sanctum:
Quoting Sanguine Sanctum:
Some Quality-of-Life Improvements

1 -
Change the sell/offer duration in Market to 30 days ou 45 days.

Some servers are with a small amount of players, some players also log in rarely, they put some stuff in market and then spend some time without returning. This would permit that the offers could stay there and give more opportunity to those who want to farm and buy something.

2 -
Warriors and Rangers get 15 hp and 5 mp per level (total of 20 points), while mages get 5 hp and 10 mp per level (total of 15 points)

So, make Mages get 5 hp and 15 mp, just the opposite of warriors and rangers

You had to update in the database all mages MP data
playerMP = (currentCharacterLevel * 5) + currentPlayerMP

It would be fair compared to the warriors and rangers
It would help new mage players, since early game is impossible to use some combo of spells due to the lack of MP and the spells cost
The impact in PVP would be almost insignificant.
Having more mana has no impact in mage resistance during pvp (since the Mystic Guard doesn't block 100% of damage from the mana). So it's not like having more HP
Mages would be able to use more spells, if a high level today engage in PVP, it doesn't make any difference, since we have a good mana potion and may use spells in any case. Just in low levels that could make them to use the whole spell combos in lower levels compared to today, but still not a big deal, since the damage isn't that much in low levels

3 -
Some NPCs (Vevay npcs, some magic shops, distance and others) don't "speak" the yellow-clickable version of the keywords that open they trade window. The change could facilitate for those who use WASD.

4 -
Improve the "end game" content and motivates people to level up.
One way to do so is by creating more Talents, you could implement a new column that would be common to everybody like the one below:

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Dodge: Every point increases 1% in dodging (by implementing this you could also limitate the items that have this status and/or maximum possible % in game items to avoid break the game)
Luck: Every point increases 1% of your luck
Magic: Every point increases the duration of your buffs in 5% and the damage of your spells in 1% (This would solve many complaints about the buff duration, getting a total of 75% of buff bonus duration would make a 20 second buff like the one from Barbarians last 35 seconds, or 52 seconds if they have the final talent)

5 -
Remove the "one tier 4 talent only rule" to: "You can activate the first tier 4 talent after all the current requirements are met "30 points used + 10 in the previous tier", THE SECOND TALENT can only be unlocked AFTER all the previous talents are FULLY COMPLETE

6 -
Put the Extra Damage Spell % to be displayed in the status window. Everytime a player completes a Degrees of Initiation it increases 5%, so it would be shown there. Plus the talent bonus I suggested before

Please don't overlook these :(

100% agree

Level 166
17th May 2024 02:20:02

It would be nice if were possible create some default instant messages to use in combat or other commons situations

Level 159
17th May 2024 11:10:59

it would be great to create a analyser hunt same on tibia, easy to share loot after hunt for all party.
Mue Asyixlou

Level 489
24th June 2024 15:40:28

Permit play all dungeon in game without other players.

its hard sincronize the scheduale of two or three guys to do a dungeon.
Voamya Rao

Level 5
24th June 2024 17:54:06

Quoting Mafu:
Permit play all dungeon in game without other players.

its hard sincronize the scheduale of two or three guys to do a dungeon.


Level 342
24th June 2024 23:25:42

Quoting Mafu:
Permit play all dungeon in game without other players.

its hard sincronize the scheduale of two or three guys to do a dungeon.

This, please!!!!!
Mue Asyixlou

Level 489
3rd August 2024 02:37:33

in dungeon Baphomet's Residence, remove the need to light basin to invoke bafome, just sacrificing an item is already cool.
It's very frustrating lure fire being all dungeon and miss the basin, in my opinion it's not a cool mechanic.
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