
Level 381
14 days 7 hours ago (Last edited 14 days 6 hours ago)

Hi all :D

Here a few things I've been wondering these last days:

Hellish Volley:
After the changes to "point-and-click" spells, when casting Hellish Volley normally (targeted monster) on out of sight monsters, the spells goes off instead of showing "A wall is blocking the path" message:

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

My suggestion here is to keep the message instead of missing the spell.

This one is a bit trickier to show, so I tried my best on these screenshots, that also comes with explanation. Basically, ricochet targets monsters that are in line of sight to the monster you are targeting instead of your own line of sight, missing the hit:

Image 1:
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Image 2:
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Image 1:
1: A ricochet killing a monk in my line of sight
2: A ricochet targeting and out of sight monk (no damage)

Image 2:
3: Dead monk to first hit
4: Second ricochet
5: Third ricochet
6: Last ricochet, targeting an out of sight monk (no damage again)

For those of you not aware how ricochet works, the damage happens before the animation finishes (that's why you can see the boomerangs and the damage numbers)

Suggestion here is to keep ricochet only on mobs that are in line of sight of the ranger.

Pillars of Power:
They are targetable, shows up in battle list and you can't remove them from the list, since it is not in bestary.

Suggestion here would be to add it to bestiary (only 3 to master please :D) or make them untargetable. Adding to bestiary would make it possible to remove pillars from battle list

Level 855
14 days 6 hours ago

@Pillars : +1

@Ricochets : I agree with you that it's a problem, some damage is lost. However I would prefer ricochet go on targetting any monster around the one ranger is hitting, and still do damage even if it's not in line of sight of the ranger.

Reason : after all, it's a ricochet :P

@Hellish volley : I'm not sure to agree or disagree, there is pro (not wasting a spell while missing aimed mob) and con (even if you miss aimed mob, it stays interesting to hit other mobs around). Hellish Volley being right now huge AoE, maybe 2nd argument wins ?
Alexi Laiho

Level 138
14 days 5 hours ago

Ricochets should hit every monster regardless of line of sight, its not your first target and a ricochet haha

Level 381
13 days 23 hours ago (Last edited 13 days 23 hours ago)

Quoting Askja:

@Ricochets : I agree with you that it's a problem, some damage is lost. However I would prefer ricochet go on targetting any monster around the one ranger is hitting, and still do damage even if it's not in line of sight of the ranger.

Quoting Alexi Laiho:
Ricochets should hit every monster regardless of line of sight, its not your first target and a ricochet haha

Agree with both of you! Just think that hitting something out of your line of sight is a bit of a strech to ask. I'd love that my traps and barbed arrow would keep damaging Diroth after that mf tp me to his cage xD