Sharkar Ranger Player
Level 269
22nd August 2023 17:05:09
Em humwich encontrei 3 quests, Cursed in love, Elvish Wine e Farms in Peril.
Farms in Peril é só entregar 5 warg fur. Cursed in love, nenhum npc da cidade me responde. e a Elvish wine, apos entregar o vinho o npc me entrega um old recipe e quer que eu decifre o ultimo ingrediente que está assim, "1 ch of ve lo". Alguem consegue me ajudar? ---------------------------------------- In humwich I found 3 quests, Cursed in love, Elvish Wine and Farms in Peril. Farms in Peril just deliver 5 warg fur. Cursed in love, no npc in the city answers me. and Elvish wine, after delivering the wine the npc gives me an old recipe and wants me to decipher the last ingredient that is like this, "1 ch of ve lo". Can anyone help me? |
Kuzon Player
Level 43
25th October 2023 16:18:19
Cursed in Love - Talk to Tim and say kaladin. I'm stuck at the point in the quest where you need to find a spring in the elven underground. if anyone can help it would be appreciated.
Sanguine Sanctum Player
Level 300
25th October 2023 19:33:18 Quoting Sharkar: Em humwich encontrei 3 quests, Cursed in love, Elvish Wine e Farms in Peril. Farms in Peril é só entregar 5 warg fur. Cursed in love, nenhum npc da cidade me responde. e a Elvish wine, apos entregar o vinho o npc me entrega um old recipe e quer que eu decifre o ultimo ingrediente que está assim, "1 ch of ve lo". Alguem consegue me ajudar? ---------------------------------------- In humwich I found 3 quests, Cursed in love, Elvish Wine and Farms in Peril. Farms in Peril just deliver 5 warg fur. Cursed in love, no npc in the city answers me. and Elvish wine, after delivering the wine the npc gives me an old recipe and wants me to decipher the last ingredient that is like this, "1 ch of ve lo". Can anyone help me? pinch of elven blood ELVISH WINE |
Gaelion Player
Level 62
26th January 2024 23:34:51 (Last edited 26th January 2024 23:35:48)
For the cursed love quest, the fountain is located in the second basement of the elven village to the south. In a hallway in the northern part of the cave.
Egypt Player
Level 63
11th February 2024 22:22:12
1 Pinch of Elven Blood is the answer brother.
CM Mercury Community Manager |
12th February 2024 19:08:04
Should have the answer here :) -Mercury |